
As most software projects we also have a lack in documentation. We encourage every VyOS user to help us improve our documentation. This will not only be beneficial for you (when reading something up) but also for the whole world.

If you are willing to contribute to our documentation this is the definite guide how to do so.


In contrast to submitting code patches, there is no requirement that you open up a Phabricator task prior to submitting a Pull-Request to the documentation.

Forking Workflow

The Forking Workflow is fundamentally different than other popular Git workflows. Instead of using a single server-side repository to act as the “central” codebase, it gives every developer their own server-side repository. This means that each contributor has not one, but two Git repositories: a private local one and a public server-side one.

The main advantage of the Forking Workflow is that contributions can be integrated without the need for everybody to push to a single central repository. Developers push to their own server-side repositories, and only the project maintainer can push to the official repository. This allows the maintainer to accept commits from any developer without giving them write access to the official codebase.


Updates to our documentation should be delivered by a GitHub pull-request. This requires you already have a GitHub account.

  • Fork this project on GitHub

  • Clone fork to local machine, then change to that directory $ cd vyos-documentation

  • Install the requirements $ pip install -r requirements.txt (or something similar)

  • Create new branch for your work, use a descriptive name of your work: $ git checkout -b <branch-name>

  • Make all your changes - please keep our commit rules in mind (Prepare patch/commit). This mainly applies to proper commit messages describing your change (how and why). Please check out the documentation of Sphinx-doc or reStructuredText if you are not familiar with it. This is used for writing our docs. Additional directives how to write in RST can be obtained from reStructuredTextDirectives.

  • Check your changes by locally building the documentation $ make html. Sphinx will build the html files in the docs/_build folder. We provide you with a Docker container for an easy to use user experience. Check the file of this repository.

  • View modified files by calling $ git status. You will get an overview of all files modified by you. You can add individual files to the Git Index in the next step.

  • Add modified files to Git index $ git add path/to/filename or add all unstaged files $ git add .. All files added to the Git index will be part of you following Git commit.

  • Commit your changes with the message, $ git commit -m "<commit message>" or use $ git commit -v to have your configured editor launched. You can type in a commit message. Again please make yourself comfortable with out rules (Prepare patch/commit).

  • Push commits to your GitHub project: $ git push -u origin <branch-name>

  • Submit pull-request. In GitHub visit the main repository and you should see a banner suggesting to make a pull request. Fill out the form and describe what you do.

  • Once pull resquests have been approved, you may want to locally update your forked repository too. First you’ll have to add a second remote called upstream which points to our main repository. $ git remote add upstream

    Check your configured remote repositories:

    $ git remote -v
    origin<username>/vyos-documentation.git (fetch)
    origin<username>/vyos.documentation.git (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)

    Your remote repo on Github is called origin, while the original repo you have forked is called upstream. Now you can locally update your forked repo.

    $ git fetch upstream
    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge upstream/master
  • If you want to update your fork on GitHub, too use the following: $ git push origin master

Style Guide

Formating and Sphinxmarkup

TOC Level

We use the following syntax for Headlines.







Address space

Note the following RFCs (RFC 5737, RFC 3849, RFC 5389 and RFC 7042), which describe the reserved public IP addresses and autonomous system numbers for the documentation:




  • 2001:db8::/32

  • 16bit ASN: 64496 - 64511

  • 32bit ASN: 65536 - 65551

  • Unicast MAC Addresses: 00-53-00 to 00-53-FF

  • Multicast MAC-Addresses: 90-10-00 to 90-10-FF

Please don’t use other public address space.

Line length

Limit all lines to a maximum of 80 characters.

Except in .. code-block:: because it will use the html tag <pre> which have the save line format as in the rst file.


Each GitHub Pull request will automatically lint against the Address space and line length.

Sometimes it is necessary to provide real IP Addresses like in the 配置蓝图. For this please use the sphinx comment syntax .. stop_vyoslinter to stop the linter and .. start_vyoslinter to start.

Custom Sphinx-doc Markup

When writing the documentation custom commands have been developed. Please make yourself comfortable with those commands as this eases the way we render the documentation.


When documenting CLI commands use the .. cfgcmd:: directive for all configuration mode commands. An explanation of the described command should be added below this statement. Replace all variable contents with <value> or somthing similar.

With those custom commands it will be possible to render them in a more descriptive way in the resulting HTML/PDF manual.

.. cfgcmd:: protocols static arp <ipaddress> hwaddr <macaddress>

   This will configure a static ARP entry always resolving `` to

For a inline configuration level command use :cfgcmd:

:cfgcmd:`set interface ethernet eth0`

When documenting operational level command use the .. opcmd:: directive. An explanation of the described command should be added below this statement.

With those custom commands it will be possible to render them in a more descriptive way in the resulting HTML/PDF manual.

.. opcmd:: show protocols static arp

   Display all known ARP table entries spanning across all interfaces

For a inline operational level command use :opcmd:

:opcmd:`add system image`

To minimize redundancy there is a special include directive. It include a txt file and replace the {{ var0 }} - {{ var9 }} with the correct value

.. cmdinclude:: /_include/interface-address.txt
   :var0: ethernet
   :var1: eth1

the content of interface-address.txt looks like this

.. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> address <address | dhcp |

   Configure interface `<interface>` with one or more interface

   * **address** can be specified multiple times as IPv4 and/or IPv6
   address, e.g. and/or 2001:db8::1/64
   * **dhcp** interface address is received by DHCP from a DHCP server
   on this segment.
   * **dhcpv6** interface address is received by DHCPv6 from a DHCPv6
   server on this segment.


   .. code-block:: none

      set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} address
      set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} address
      set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} address 2001:db8::ffff/64
      set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} address 2001:db8:100::ffff/64

When referencing to VyOS Phabricator Tasks, there is a custom Sphinx Markup command called vytask which automatically renders to a proper Phabricator URL. This is heavily used in the Changelog section.

* :vytask:`T1605` Fixed regression in L2TP/IPsec server
* :vytask:`T1613` Netflow/sFlow captures IPv6 traffic correctly

Page content

The documentation have 3 different types of pages, the same kind of pages must have the same structure to achieve a recognition factor.

All RST files must follow the same TOC Level syntax and have to start with


Configuration mode pages

A configuration mode folder and article covers a specific level of a command. The exact level depends on the command. This should provide stability for URLs used in the forum or blogpost.

For example:

  • set zone-policy is written in zone-policy/index.rst

  • set interfaces ethernet is written in interfaces/ethernet.rst

The article starts with a short intruducing about the command or the technologie. Please include some helpfull links or background informations.

After this a optional section follows. Some commands have requirements like the compatible hardware (e.g. Wifi) or some commands you have to set before. For example it is recommended to set a route-map before configure bgp.

In the configuration part of the page all possible confiuration options should be documented. Use .. cfgcmd:: like described above.

Related Operation command must be documented in the next part of the article. Use ::opcmd.. for these commands.

If there some troubleshooting guides releated to the commands. Explain it in the next optional part.

Operation mode pages

Operation mode commands, which didn’t fit in a related configuraton mode command must documented in this part of the documentation.

General concepts for troubleshooting belong here as well as detailed process descriptions.

Anything else

Anything else what is not a configuration or a operation command have no predefined structure.