TFTP Server

TFTP is a simple, lockstep file transfer protocol which allows a client to get a file from or put a file onto a remote host. One of its primary uses is in the early stages of nodes booting from a local area network. TFTP has been used for this application because it is very simple to implement.


set service tftp-server directory <directory>

Enable TFTP service by specifying the <directory> which will be used to serve files.


Choose your directory location carefully or you will loose the content on image upgrades. Any directory under /config is save at this will be migrated.

set service tftp-server listen-address <address>

Configure the IPv4 or IPv6 listen address of the TFTP server. Multiple IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be given. There will be one TFTP server instances listening on each IP address.


Configuring a listen-address is essential for the service to work.

set service tftp-server allow-upload

Optional, if you want to enable uploads, else TFTP server will act as a read-only server.


Provide TFTP server listening on both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and 2001:db8::1 serving the content from /config/tftpboot. Uploading via TFTP to this server is disabled.

The resulting configuration will look like:

vyos@vyos# show service
 tftp-server {
    directory /config/tftpboot
    listen-address 2001:db8::1